Universities Lodge No. 2352 is a craft Masonic lodge located in Durham City in the Province of Durham, and constituted under the United Grand Lodge of England.
The lodge was originally formed for those who had been educated at university (hence the name), but no-one is now discouraged from seeking membership if they have not been.
The lodge is a thriving member of the Universities Scheme, which was set up under the direction of Assistant Grand Master David Williamson to make it easier for undergraduates and graduates to enter craft masonry whilst at university.
Universities Chapter No. 2352 is a Royal Arch Chapter that also meets in Durham City. After the completion of craft masonry, Chapter membership is encouraged. Also, joining members are welcomed.
Undergraduate or graduates in the North East who are interested to learn more about freemasonry should contact our secretary in the first instance and we will arrange to meet you to explain in greater detail the work of our lodge and freemasonry in general.
The lodge meets six times a year. The meetings take place on the third Thursdays in January, March, May, June and October, and the second Thursday in September. The October date is for our Installation meeting.
The Chapter meets four times a year at the above address on the first Wednesdays in March, October and December, and the second Thursday in June. The March meeting is for our Installation meeting.
If you would like to find out more about the Lodge, or University Freemasonry in Durham, please contact:
The Secretary, Universities Lodge no. 2352,After leaving university graduates normally join a lodge in their home town or where they are working or join an old school lodge.
There is another Universities Scheme Lodge, Lodge of Fraternity, which is available for students at the Stockton Campus of Durham University. You can find their website at www.lodgeoffraternity.org.uk.
We have links with many more Lodges across the country. For more information on Our Daughter Lodge, the University of Durham Lodge, based in London, head to www.uod3030.com.